Episode Recap – Marriage or Mortgage: “Out of the Friendzone”


Early/mid 20s, “friendzone” dude, over the course of like 7 years, overcame her defenses and became her man.

Reality TV, so they’re both physically attractive. She’s a personal trainer, he’s a basketball coach.

Their parents are giving them a huge chunk of change, and they can use it for a down payment or a wedding. His mom was a Realtor, he wants #homeownership. She wants a big pretty #wedding.

They consider their options!!!

They aren’t total idiots, so they got #preapproved with a loan officer before tryin to look at houses. Did you know that we do not charge for preapprovals? That’s right, preapproval with us is #free! Click here to get your preapproval going immediately, and click here if you want to chat about getting preapproved! Realtors, we can help you too!

So, yeah, they met with both a Realtor and a wedding planner.

The #weddingplanner pitched them on a bunch of dumb things like a #donutwall instead of a cake, and a wedding #icesculpture with a hole through it that would let guests drink #booze out of the bride’s ice sculpture butt (no joke…). The wedding planner spent all but $650 of the allocated budget (innit funny how that worked out?), and tried to make that sound like a good thing.

The Realtor showed them a series of sensible homes, mostly below their maximum budget, likely to increase in value over time, with some reasonable compromises in terms of wants and needs. A killer shower was super important to him! 2 of the 3 had killer bathrooms, 1 was a dud.


These people picked the wedding!!! With the donut wall and drinking booze from the bride’s ice sculpture butt, over homeownership. There may also have been something about a venue and music. Whatever. THIS DOES NOTE BODE WELL FOR THEIR CHILDRENS’ FINANCIAL FUTURE!!! They don’t have to get divorced to get a mortgage, but who knows!

Hey, so that’s my recap! I do have a question in closing, however, for you my dear reader. Do you want to buy or refinance a home in California, or would you prefer to drink booze out of an ice sculpture’s butt? Either way, let’s chat!

#netflix #SolidFunder #marriageormortgage
#realitytv #netflixandchill


"I recently closed a cash out refi with Chris. He is super knowledgeable and picks the right options and product based on the need. With all the craziness that was going around the last few weeks, he still closed a cash out refi relatively fast. He was always reachable and to the point with no fluff and BS."

Satheesh R.


"Chris is a great resource and knows his stuff! Thank you."

Trevar O.


"Chris helped answer questions and guide me through the process. He was responsive and clear. Thank you!"

Alexandre M.
