Triple net real estate financing
Quickly sift through mortgage terms from hundreds of lenders for your current or future NNN asset.
effective planning requires considering a broad array of options
Are you seeking maximum loan-to-value?
Are you seeking the longest amortization or lowest rate?
Unsure of what you’re after, but would like to review a broad array of options?
When banks and credit unions compete, real estate investors win.
We upset the normal bank and banker-centric dynamic involved in acquiring financing for NNN real estate assets. Our model is borrower-centric.
We take on the heavy lift.
You will complete one (1) personal financial statement (PFS), upload one (1) complete set of documents, and complete one (1) application. We will compile the credit package in accordance with industry-internal norms and, as we say, “take it to market” on your behalf, exposing it to a broad array of lenders that will compete to earn your business.
No upfront broker fees
We are only compensated at the closing table. If, after all of the above, you aren’t happy with the terms presented by any of our partner lenders, of which there are over 750, you’re off the hook, and owe us nothing. You will typically have access to our full service contract, which is only four pages of normally sized font, on our very first conversation.